Sunday, August 28, 2016

Wings over Republic fly in

This weekend Harry, Jeff, Paul (Harry's friend), and I flew to Republic WA for their annual fly-in.  It was a fun flight as usual but the fly in itself was a bit of a bust.  The parking crew had us taxi on a field that felt like it was plowed by gophers.  Harry actually almost had a prop strike due to one of his main wheels falling in a hole of some sort.  His tail came up but fortunately didn't go all the way forward.

Hard to see in this picture but there are two small specs in the sky behind me.  This is Harry and his friend Paul.

There were some amazing cloud formations visible.  These particular clouds indicate some nasty bumpy weather up there.

Our parking location in Republic.

Paul's RV-6 as we do our run up after fueling up on the return trip home.

Look at the top of the cloud in the middle of the picture.  It looks like I jiggled the camera but its actually a layer of cloud on top.  This particular cloud spells turbulence with a capital T to me.