Monday, January 30, 2017

A little more flying...

This weekend I got a chance to take a good friend flying.  Dave is a great photographer so most of the pictures below are from his camera.  We had planned on flying down to Sun River but the runway had some pretty big snow chunks so we planned to fly to Madras.  When we got down there the town was covered in freezing fog so we opted to go a little further and land at Redmond Oregon.  After borrowing the local courtesy car, and eating some lunch, we launched for Aurora Oregon to pick up a part for another friend Ben who drives an RV-12.  A brief stop in Aurora and maybe a cookie or two later we were on our way back home.  This time we stayed low and flew over Portland, up the river, and then crossed near Chehalis on our way home.  All in all we had just over 4 hours of flying and a LOT of fun.

The start of the day

My passenger, photographer, and good friend Dave

Jeff snuggling up for a picture.

Not sure what happened here....Dave must have had his camera upside down or something....

On final to Redmond.  Look at all the snow!

Snowy backdrop.

Jeff and Chad as we taxied out for departure from Redmond

I think this is Smith rock.  Taken on our departure from Redmond.

downtown Portland from 1000' agl

The end of the day after cleaning up the hangar a little