This past couple of weeks I was able to able to finish this section. As I mentioned last time there are several modifications that need to be done and here are a few of them.
The first modification is the use of the Aerosport 310 instrument panel. This is a beautiful carbon fiber panel that is designed to support 3 10" screens (hence the name). I did run into a small issue in that the frame I received is actually backward with the flanges pointing aft instead of forward. I contacted Geoff at Aerosport and he said its no big deal, just drill the center hole in the proper location as the rest of the panel is symmetrical. Easy enough to do by laying the van's provided instrument panel on top of the support frame and using the pre-drilled hose as a drill guide.
I'm also installing nut plates so I can just bolt on my avionics and wire supports.
Oh, since I had to do some priming for some non alclad parts I went ahead and finished the fuel pump brackets so I could install them as well. See below for more.
I snagged this picture from one of the security cam's in the garage. I realized I don't have many pictures of me building the airplane. This happens to be the first day I was able to actually sit in the airplane. No airplane noises yet.... |
Here is the support frame that I mentioned above. See that screw at the top center? It should be a little more to the left so I can flip the panel around and have the flanges at the bottom facing the other way. |
The fuel pumps sitting on their brackets. Bolts are not tight yet as I have lots of work to do down here but at least everything fits. |
Another view of the fuel pump through the side access panel. These pictures were taken before I finished riveting the brackets in place. |
Finished product. Its not riveted to the fuselage yet as that comes in a step much further down the road. Still lots of stuff to install under that section (rudder pedal for example) so it sits like this for now. |
If you look closely at the sub panel you will see where I installed nutplates in several locations for avionics mounts and wiring organizers. |