I guess its about time for an update to this blog. I have been doing some flying (21.3 hours on the hobs meter), not as much as I thought I would but enough to say I am getting more comfortable with the airplane and very much enjoying the flying time. I found one issue with the engine that involved my alternate air door. Turns out that the springs that hold the door closed are not strong enough to prevent the door from opening at full throttle so I have taped the door closed and will install a cable actuated door soon.
The heavy wing is much better now. I re-rigged the ailerons and flaps and that helped a lot. Still wants to bank to the left but for now I have a small aileron tab that I am using to balance things out for the rest of the testing. Speaking of testing, today I loaded 180 pounds of cement into the passenger seat to test the stability with weight. I can't see much of a difference except in landing...wow, that extra weight really makes a difference in the sink rate.
I have been working on the priming of the wheel pants and gear leg fairing since they need to go on next. I am hoping that with these installed the airplane will be able to reach full speed and engine RPM. Right now it seems I am only able to get about 85% power at 2500 RPM. It should go to 2700 RPM.
One more issue that I am pretty sure I am dealing with is an induction leak. The engine does not like to idle below about 900 RPM. It should idle nicely much lower than that which from all the research I have been doing tells me I have an induction leak. I used red RTV to seal the induction tube sleeve's this morning but that didn't help so I have a set of gaskets on order from Aircraft Spruce so that I can replace the induction tube to cylinder gaskets.
And just to make this post complete here are a couple of pictures I took while zipping around the Puget Sound.
This is a picture of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. Who knows, the last two submarines I was on may still be there! |
This very picturesque photo was taken when I decided to pop up above the broken cloud layer at 10,500 ft. |