Tuesday, January 23, 2018


No pictures of RV-10 work this week mostly because I didn't do much picture worthy.  However, I did do something else picture worthy....I learned to do some aerobatics in a truly unique airplane...a Waco Great Lakes.  This is an interesting airplane in that it is a bi-wing tandem two seat tail dragger airplane.  Very cool.  I got to learn the proper way to do an aileron roll as well as a few other maneuvers such as loops, Immelmanns, Cuban eights, and even got a spin in there.  My stomach protested after about an hour so I had to call Uncle and head back to the airport but wow. what fun.  Harry set all of this up for us at an FBO in Phoenix Arizona.  He stayed down there for another few days to get a total of 5 hours of this stuff....his stomach is much stronger than mine!

Harry with his instructor after our first flight lesson.

The cockpit of the Great Lakes...pretty spartan.

Harry took this picture of me as we got ready to head out to the lesson.