Ribs cleco'd in place with sealant. Took a whole box of cleco's but the skin is nice and tight. |
Inside view of the cleco'd tank. |
Top of the tank in the same state as the picture above. I could not reach those last 3 cleco's on each rib so I took the fuel tank to the airport and had Harry help me finish those rivets. |
Top J-Stiffener riveted in place. |
Inside view of J-stiffener riveted in place. Still have not finished encapsulating the shop heads with sealant in this picture. |
Aft rib half riveted in place. You will notice the fuel return fitting and the vent fittings installed in this picture. |
Outboard rib with the extended range fuel transfer fitting installed....with LOTS of Proseal...I kinda went overboard on this one. |
The vent line fittings are encased in Proseal (after torquing them down) to make sure there are no leaks that might limit how much fuel I can put into the tank. |
Outside of outboard rib. Not much Proseal here because there is a nice filet of sealant on the inside (see pictures above). |
A nice shot looking into one of the fuel bays. |
Fuel level sensor and float installed. This is the empty position with the float on the bottom of the fuel tank. |
And this would be the full position. |
And this picture is looking inboard at the 2nd rib in. The top left "line" is the baffle seal and you can see a bead of Proseal along the entire length which is exactly what I was hoping to see. |